issue 01

by Bottega Veneta

april 21, 2021 version française ici


After cutting ties with social media at the beginning of the year, Bottega Veneta is back this spring with the launch of the first issue of its free digital journal, Issue. Through a whole range of media (photos, videos, sculptures, animations, illustrations, etc.), Issue is designed to be a global immersion in the universe of the Italian house. It gives readers a more intimate and subjective vision of the fashion world, made sterile currently by social media. For its creative director Daniel Lee, “Social media represents the homogenization of culture.” Issue 01 features the spring-summer collection “Salon 01” and allows us to discover the house’s latest flagship pieces staged by creative talents invited for the occasion to reinterpret the collection. This new editorial concept signed Bottega Veneta will now be a constant for the launch of each new collection. In this first issue, the Italian fashion house gives free rein to around thirty talents from all over the world and invites them to appropriate Daniel Lee’s work. Big names in fashion like Barbara Hulanicki, or in the rap world, such as Missy Eliott or sports world like Storror played along with the concept. The initiative was also an opportunity to showcase emerging artists: in the skilled hands of Masayoshi Matsumoto, modeling balloons are twisted into an extra-large ring and Tyler Mitchel turns stilettos into sweet treats, not forgetting DeadHungry, who imprisons accessories in jelly Point handbags. Between reinterpretations and pop colors, the whole newsletter is a cornucopia of culture and original images incorporating the hallmark of each artist. There’s something to appeal to everyone! Combining humor and sincerity, the newsletter marks Bottega Veneta’s comeback onto the digital scene, offering an alternative to social media and giving its clients a more personal kind of brand communication.



Issue 01 by Bottega Veneta — videos


Issue 01 by Bottega Veneta — covers & content